Thursday, October 18, 2007

road work ahead

Why do they always decide to ‘fix’ roads that don’t need fixing when there are plenty of roads in the city that are in desperate need of work? I ask this because I was driving down a long stretch of road in the middle of nowhere north of the city that leads to my parent’s house today when I came across some roadwork signs. As I got closer to the area in question, my car was suddenly set to ‘vibrate’ as it hit the freshly grooved pavement underneath. As I continued to drive, hoping my car wouldn’t fall apart right then and there, I wondered to myself just what the hell was so wrong with this road that I travel down multiple times a week that it needed the whole top surface ripped up? Its not like I had ever noticed any potholes or cracks in the road. Quite honestly, the road was fine…nothing wrong with it. To me, the work being done it’s just another example of governments (municipal/provincial/whatever) spending tax dollars needlessly so at to appear to be doing something. Basically, spending money to spend money.

So now, whenever I want to pay the family homestead a visit, I’ll have to navigate my way through dudes in hard hats holding stop signs, steamrollers and other various roadwork vehicles. I had to do this for months in the spring/summer when they were building a bridge on the road that I take to work…and now I get to do it again. And for what? So a ½ km stretch of road can be resurfaced for no good reason?
It just seems like such a waste…


Blogger Cowboy said...

Dude, you have no fucking idea. Come to Windsor some time. It is absolutely unbeliveable down here. Getting to work each day is like those games where you have to roll the marble through the maze with all of the holes on the tilted board.

10/19/2007 12:37 AM  
Blogger neil said...

You know what...I still stand by what I said...but after thinking about it, I realized there have been a few accidents on that particular stretch of road where cars have gone into the maybe there's a problem with black ice or slick roads that they are trying to fix. Still...I can think of 10 other spots that need the work more. (Don't you just love how I do that...its like I'm two different people sometimes!)

10/19/2007 10:10 PM  

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