Tuesday, December 11, 2007

still in 'ruff' shape

This is starting to get a little ridiculous. I get sick from time to time…but this is going on 4 days now and I’m still having trouble standing for long periods and keeping the alphabet in order. I NEED to get back to feeling like I was feeling before this beast of a cold took over my life. I’ve tried orange juice…chicken noodle soup…cold medications…regular Tylenol…going to be early…staying up late...eating lots…not eating much…wearing a sweater to bed…what does a guy have to do to get some results? I even smoked a joint for the first time in quite a while thinking that it might help, cause back when I used to smoke, I barely ever got sick. It didn’t help...it did help make Dave Attell funny...but that's about it.

Anyway, there ain’t a whole lot going on with me these days. Well…actually, there is…but its all in the ‘development’ stages…so I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself…but suffice to say, it would really be beneficial if I could just blow my nose one more time…get all that gunk out in one huge honk…and be done with it.


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