Sunday, January 06, 2008

No End In Sight

"Stuff happens!"


This documentary about the many mistakes made leading up to, during, and after the invasion of Iraq by U.S. forces is both refreshing and infuriating. Refreshing, in that we are finally being shown what many of us have long believed…that Bush and Co. were completely unprepared to rebuild the country after they took out Saddam and his followers. Infuriating because, after watching this documentary, not only am I even more convinced they didn't even care about the country, its people and bringing all that 'freedom' they promised, but that Bush and Co. deliberately destabilized the country (disbanding the 500,000 strong Iraq army, putting half a million gun carrying young men out of work during the most critical time of the rebuilding effort for one) so as to create a chaotic environment, not only in Iraq, but potentially destabilizing the entire region. Why would they do this you ask? Go watch ‘Who killed the Electric Car’ and ‘Crude Awakening’ and you’ll know exactly why.

Frankly, I just don’t understand how Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and their suit and tie henchmen-puppets are able to sleep at night knowing they are responsible for this disaster. The deaths of thousands of US Soldiers, tens of thousands of Iraqi’s, and the rape and pillaging of nation, all for a few billion dollars in military contracts and oil revenue. Actually…its not just a few billion…more like $1.8 trillion…but who’s counting?

One solider near the end of the film asks, ‘Is this the best America can do?’ Apparently…under the current leadership of this right wing lunatic government…I fear the worst is yet to come!

Please America…do not elect another Republican into the White House! We’re begging you!!!


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