Thursday, January 03, 2008


"Only dream I ever have... is the surface of the sun... everytime I shut my eyes... it's always the same."


Great sci-fi fare about a group of astronauts and scientists on a mission to give the dying Sun a boost. Common belief is that science fiction is the realm of aliens and monsters and star wars…and while this is true…science fiction can also be about humanity, technology, and the world (and universe) we live in. The spaceships, colourful aliens and laser guns are just flashy devices used to take us to another world to tell us these stories about who we are.

Despite our fears to the contrary, we are an advanced species…and it seems these days, our advancement knows no bounds. But as specialized, precise and as knowledgeable a species we’ve become…we are still very much prone to human error. We make mistakes by ourselves, and as a collective every day…but its how we face up to and deal with the consequences of our actions that we are able to redeem ourselves and grow as human beings on this journey called life. And I think that’s what this film is about.


Blogger Cowboy said...

Wow Neil, great post. Well written.

1/06/2008 11:59 AM  
Blogger neil said...

Thanks man. Funny thing is I was actually a little unhappy with how this post turned out (same with the 3:10 to Yuma one).

Then again, I've always been my own worst critic.


1/06/2008 5:46 PM  

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