Friday, May 11, 2012

The Avengers

"We have a Hulk."


I don't know if it was the hype, or the fact that everyone I know who saw it loved it...but I didn't love The Avengers.  I really liked it, I did, but it wasn't what quite all it was cracked up to be.  I thought Captain America (Evans) and The Hulk (Ruffalo) were the standouts in my opinion, with Iron Man (Downey Jr.) being the 'thing' that brings it all together.  Thor and Loki were good too.  So its not that there wasn't a lot to like about The Avengers, I just thought it was a little too...simple.  Heroes have to band together to stop alien invasion force that destroys New York.  Didn't we just see that movie (Transformers 3) last year? 

Still, why you're watching this movie is to see Cap kick butt...or Hulk smash stuff...and you get a good helping of that.  I would have liked to have seen a bit more of the Hulk in action, but part of the films charm was its slow reveal of 'the Other Guy' as Dr. Banner put it.

So, while I was a bit underwhelmed, as a comic book fan, and just a fan of these kinds of movies done well...The Avengers was a really good movie experience, and I'm looking forward to more individual movies staring each hero before The Avengers 2 is coming at us in 2020!


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