Friday, November 16, 2012

mirror, mirror

11 things I learned this week:

1. ebay is dangerously addictive.
2. shipping charges add up fast (see 1.)
3. there are still intelligent people who are willing to enter into debate with idiots online in the name of education and progress.  I for one wish I had that type of stamina, determination and focus, but alas...
4. I wish I had a couple more female friends...girls are pretty awesome!
5. I really enjoy comic books.
6. now that I'm old, old 8-bit Nintendo is only fun for about an hour.
7. screaming kids really are annoying.
8. I'm a lot more scatterbrained than I used to be.
9. I don't eat enough fruit.
10. if I could sell everything I own for a fair price, I would.
11. I secretly want to win the lottery.


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