Tuesday, March 26, 2013


If I were a more confident person, I"d have something to say to the asshole neighbor in my apartment building who insists on running the washer and dryer all day (and night), loading the dryer with what sounds like a bunch of rocks at 11:30 pm on a Monday.  I attempted to stop myself from leaving a terse, but comical note on the dryer asking they not 'wash their rock collection' so late...but Goddammit, I'd like to be able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour tonight, so I left it on top of the dryer hoping common sense would win out.  It appears its more important to these persons that their clothing (or whatever the hell they're drying) get done tonight, because 5 minutes after the dryer's cycle finally ended...they simply stuffed another load into the machine and started it up again.  I hate confrontation, but when it comes to people being totally disrespectful of others, my blood boils and I start to fantasize about getting incredibly loud and aggressive.  I'm a very nice, soft spoken guy 99% of the time...but once you push me over the edge, I can be a scary son of a bitch.  

These new neighbors of mine are creeping into dangerous territory with me.  The smoke billowing from their unit is one thing...the loud party guests another...and now this.  

This could get very, very ugly.


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