Thursday, March 13, 2014


I don't really understand how I'm feeling right now.  Today was exhausting.  We got pummeled by a late winter storm that completely turned the city upside down from how it looked and felt just 24 hours ago.  I was at work at 9 am, which might not sound all that terrible for all your normal working stiffs, but for someone who consistently works until 1 or 2 am, and doesn't get to sleep before 4 (if I'm lucky), getting up at quarter to 8 and having to be on the ball for 9 hours was a bit of a challenge.  I made it through alright...though I was definitely flagging by mid afternoon.  But of course, instead of easing myself into a relaxing evening and turning in at a reasonable hour, I'm sitting here at 3 in the morning and can feel myself in for another long night.  

Not so much because I've got things on my mind is actually mush right now, and I'm not thinking a whole lot...but something is keeping me up.  I just wish I could put my finger on it.

I think the whole crashing wave scenario has passed...and now I'm floating face down in the water trying to find the surface.  The worst feels like it's passed...but not having a plan, a way forward is...unsettling.

After finally watching the final episode of the fantastic HBO show True Detective last night, I feel an even greater kinship with the character of Rust Cohle...his journey from dark to light.  We don't share a lot...but there's something deep inside me that I'm wresting with that I witnessed in this fictional character that is haunting me right now.  The fact that I actually kind of look like Rust, long hair and all, is a funny, if eerie coincidence.  Things just have a way of speaking to me when I need or want them to...and this show, this character, and his journey spoke to me in a way that I haven't felt in a long, long time.  It easily now ranks right up there with The Wire as one of my all-time favourite television shows ever...yet I'm almost happy it was only 8 episodes.  It's like it would have been too much if we got any more...or had to wait for another season.  The journey was incredible, but I'm glad and content that it's over.  

I don't know how else to explain it.  But I look at the picture below and I see me.  Fucking scary sight it is.  A man lost, tired, haunted...alone.  I don't feel like I'm at the end of my rope...I don't feel like I'm quite ready to tie anything off...but I do feel like I'm at a critical juncture...and I have no clue which way I'm going to turn.  What are my options...really?  Where do I go from here?  How do I 'move on'?  All questions I've asked myself a thousand times before...each time as dead serious as the the time before...but this time...I feel older...wiser...but more beat up and defeated too.  Do I have the strength to deal with whatever reality is around the corner?  Can I keep this up?  

I'm trying my best to just engulf myself in work and other distractions...but I have no long term plan...and any time I do start to have the slightest thought of the long term...and what might possibly be on the horizon...I get scared.  I should be the very least, it's another new beginning.  But it doesn't really feel like it.  It doesn't quite feel like the end either.  

Maybe this is limbo?


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