Monday, February 26, 2007

Off the top...

I don’t really have anything in particular I want to talk about today…but seeing as how I’ve got access to the internet, I might as well use it while I still can.

So…lets see…lets see…

Life is actually pretty good these days. Things could be better…but all in all, I haven’t been this ‘positive’ in a long time. I’m a patient guy (most of the time), so the small improvements I’ve felt in virtually all the important areas of my life at least gives me hope that things are pointed in the right direction…that I’m pointed in the right direction. Moving into my own place has been everything I expected, and more. Just the ability to have peace and quiet (neighborly noise excluded…they were at it again this morning…though the volume was slightly reduced) when I feel like just sitting in a dimly lit room by myself, alone with my thoughts, has allowed me to really focus on myself and my hopes and dreams for the future. I can sense that a few of these things are still a little ways off…little specs on the horizon…but by moving out on my own, I think I’ve finally managed to shed some of the built in excuses I’ve been using in order to avoid making progress. My ‘timeline’ is starting to get a little clearer…and the place is starting to really feel like home.

I’m still not writing as much as I’d like…but at least now I’m working on creating a good working environment…so I’m sure it’ll come. Having no cable is also something I’m enjoying. It was getting to the point where I was always frustrated with the shit on TV…probably more than I should have been…now I don’t have to think about it. Sure, it be nice to turn on the TV for a half hour of mindless distraction instead of having to commit to watching a 2 hour movie…but I’m also finding myself reaching for the bookshelf instead…and once I get in a good reading rhythm, I’ll be much better off for it.

Overall though, I’ve still got a lot on my mind…but its pretty much all good stuff, or potentially good stuff, so instead of anxiety and frustration, I feel happy and (almost) content…I’m a simple guy so I’m not asking for the world, and I think the world is starting to understand this., time and distance can be frustrating barriers to overcome…but I’m mildly pleased with how I'm learning to deal with it (still a work in progress though…). Sometimes you’ve just got to understand that you can’t always get what you want when you want...even if it feels right. Instead of throwing your hands up in the air or throwing down the gauntlet…I’m learning that its much better to use that ‘energy’ positively. In my case, I’m internalizing and focusing these feelings in an attempt improve myself…while still remaining actively engaged in my now epic quest for happiness.

I think that’s about it…that’s all I got for today.

Here’s to tomorrow…


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