Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Couch Surfing

For the past 4 nights I’ve been sleeping on the couch in my apartment. For some reason, I just decided to crash on the couch Saturday night…and haven’t made it back into my bed since. I’m only getting about 6 hours of sleep a night right now…but I seem to be sleeping better twisted up on my couch versus speading out in the extra long queen sized mattress I have in my room. It makes no sense…but I have been ‘feeling better’ in the mornings so…

I think part of it has to do with just wanting to ‘change’ my routine a bit…which was getting quite boring to be honest. Wake up, eat, go to work, eat, come home, cook something else, tidy up a bit, read/watch a movie, go for a walk, go to bed. Rinse and repeat. I only occasionally venture into the city to visit with my buddy R, and go out for drinks with people from work from time to time…but for the most part, I keep to myself. I like it that way. Don’t get me wrong…if the right person were to want to join me in my seclusion I’d be more than happy to clear a spot for them and share...but 9 days out of 10 I’m quite content to be alone.

So has anyone else run into a situation like this, where you just can’t seem to get comfortable in your own bed? What do you do? Crash on the couch like me, or do you all just call up a boyfriend/girlfriend and go sleep at their place…or go out with some friends, get wasted and find a friendly couch (or floor) to crash on? Or do all of you have exciting enough lives where this sort of thing just doesn't happen? Of course, my current situation prevents me from choosing any one of the options I listed…which leaves me my trusty couch as the only alternative resting place.

I hate the word lonely…I have always enjoyed my own company and the definition has never struck me as 'fitting'…I’m very good at snapping myself out of it…but I don’t doubt something resembling loneliness has crept into my life recently, causing me some ‘discomfort’…I just don’t think that’s what keeping me from my own bed. I’m not particularly unhappy, nervous or apprehensive about anything…things at work have settled down a bit...I recently plucked my head from the clouds and got real with myself about some personal matters…I’m not sick (a bit of a cold…but nothing serious)…money is tight, but I’m not broke…and while my next door neighbor has been a little louder than usual, and I have had to get up early for work, (so maybe I've been subconsciously avoiding being woken up ‘too early’ by avoiding that room all-together), I really don’t think its that either, so I’m at a bit of a loss as to why I’m choosing a couch over a bed?

So...we’ll see what this evening brings. I’m not due into work until 4:00, so I may take this opportunity to drop a couple of sleeping pills and pull the covers over my head for a good 10 hour snooze…but I’m also contemplating getting comfortable on the couch, staying up really late and having myself a little ‘movie marathon’ of sorts. Who knows…maybe I’ll just chuck the mattress and start sleeping on the floor?

No…I won’t do that…


Blogger Cowboy said...

Hows about a little codeine, a hot bath, and some comfy pjs? Works for me.

4/19/2007 5:23 PM  
Blogger Joy said...

I've done the exact same thing! I love going to sleep on the couch with the TV turned down really low, snuggled under a blanket. I'll typically wake up in the middle of the night and find my way back to bed. I actually had to force myself to start falling asleep in the bed and have since turned the whole couch routine into a sort of weekend treat! I like to think of it as a vacation for the underpaid!

4/20/2007 11:19 PM  
Blogger neil said...

joy: I like the idea of 'vacation for the underpaid'...that's sort of how it felt. I have now made it back to my bed...but last night was a if things go poorly tonight, I won't hesitate to jump on the sofa for another mini-vacation.

j: you got anything stronger? =)

4/24/2007 8:13 PM  

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