Sunday, October 11, 2009

testing, testing

Sometimes it feels like life gets tougher. Things come to a head. You reach one of those pivitol forks in the road and your life can go in any number of new directions. A lot of it is out of our hands. You may be tired, and weary…but still you have to face a ‘who/what/where/when/why’ decision that could drastically alter the path of your life.

I’m at that point right now.



I know I’m being tested. I can feel it. Even the fortune cookie told me so. I can see it in my eyes when I look in the mirror. I can sense it in the people around me. There are probably invisible rays shooting off me like some sort of lasers…piercing the air and anything in their path with sharp, pulsating daggers of strange mojo. I’m probably not a very fun person to be around right now. And I know I’m not making much sense when I talk. I’m all tongue tied and saying stuff I don’t mean or don’t mean to say. I’m stressed out…worn out…strung out…just out is what I am…but I feel the need to shake it off…to break through the wall this time. But I’m weak. Skin and bone. I don’t have it in me, and that's the truth. I barely make it though the day some days…and I’m expected to climb this new mountain? With a bruised heart….and a crazy head?

It makes me laugh. Its all I can do.


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