Thursday, July 12, 2007

sun & sky

I really should try to get outside more. Its amazing how a little sun and sky can change your mood. I woke up miserable today...and it was a mood I just couldn't seem to shake. So I skulked aruond my apartment for a few hours before getting ready for work. To say I was dragging is putting it mildly. But once I got in my car and started on down the road...I looked around at what was in front of me and could only smile.
Its not like getting outside 'fixed' me in so far as it made everything better or that it erased the things that are getting me down...but just like looking at a beautiful painting or listening to a fantastic song, there's something about the awesome beauty of nature that can force a smile out of that doesn't just cross your face...but lights you up inside as well.
And on a day like today...I really needed that.


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