Friday, February 03, 2012

fresh air

Its amazing what a couple of nights sleeping in a smokeless bedroom can do for a guy. I'm waking up without that sick, dizzy feeling, I’ve got my appetite back, and I’m smiling again. Seriously, its like night and day. For all you smokers out there…I honestly don’t understand why you do it. Well, I do…but after spending the last month continuously engulfed in varying levels of secondhand smoke, I can’t imagine what life for a smoker must be like. Sure, for some it gets them through the day…takes the edge off…relaxes them…but that shit is poison, there is no doubt in my mind about that now.

My battle with ‘the guy downstairs’ seems to be in a bit of a ceasefire right now as I stay away, checking my place daily for signs of smoking and reporting back to my landlord. Incredibly, it’s going to be tough to give this guy the boot…but I’m dug in right now, scope squarely planted on this assholes front door. Others are telling me I should just move…but then he wins. Well…I win too because I won’t ever have to worry about coming home after a long day at work and trying to fall asleep in a cloudy haze of chemicals…but the fact that its still 50/50 I’ll be living in the apartment I’ve called home for the past 4 years is kind of sad.

The landlord has suggested I ‘talk’ to the guy and explain that I’m allergic, which made me shake my head. Oh, so if I wasn’t feeling ill and it was just a matter of my stuff stinking to high hell there wouldn’t be a problem? Poor guy is just trying to protect his own ass, as he’s the one who okay’d this guy to move in, and he doesn’t want it to come back to bite him any more than it probably already has. But I’ll tell you this much, if I’m the one who goes, good luck renting this place afterwards. And good luck renting Smokey’s place once he stops paying rent and leaves the place a disaster zone…which will happen!

In the mean time, I’m crashing with my parents, enjoying cable TV, fresh air, and quiet nights. be continued…


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