Monday, February 12, 2007

Focus People Focus

My insides feel like warm pudding right now...but I’m also shivering. I can feel myself coming up on a fork in the road, and it’s a major fork. Things have slowly been getting clearer for me the past few months…and I’m starting to see where I might be able to fit into this crazy world. My nerves are stuck on high simply because as much as things are clearer…I still have a hard time trusting my own eyes sometimes. Its not that I’ve made a lot of bad choices in the past…we all make mistakes…and the damage mine have caused was almost always reserved for yours truly…but it’s a rare thing for me to feel the sort of conviction I seem to have these days. As much as I want things to work out, for me and for the people I care about (you know who you are), when it pertains to me, I’m confident that even if things were to go south, I’d still be able to get through it…and keep moving forward, rather than let it be the catalyst for yet another rapid decent into oblivion. And that’s always been a skyscraper of a hurdle for me.

I’m only sharing this because I may not be posting as much in the coming weeks as this blob of potential begins to crystallize. I will do my best to keep the willing informed and entertained with an occasional burst of madness, because even though I don’t have the numbers to back it up, I feel like I’ve got something resembling an audience now…and as someone who checks his favourite blogs frequently (twice a day), I want to do my best to give the 1 or 2 of you who reads this thing as much reason to keep coming back as I can.

Wish me luck…I’m not ashamed to say I’ll need it. Now...I need a drink.


Blogger Cowboy said...

So cryptic... either you've become a drug mule, or you're planning to kill someone. I can't figure out this new angle. :)

Godspeed in whatever it is that you're embarking upon.

2/13/2007 6:54 PM  

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