Thursday, March 13, 2008

that fine touch

Sorry about this being another post about my new job, but the damn thing has taken over my ‘entire’ life. From the moment I get up in the morning, until about 10:00 pm at night, I am ‘at work’…if not physically out on the road, or doing paperwork, I’m planning my next day, or simply trying to figure out how I’m going to make it through one more. Its quite a change.

Anyway, when I got the job, I was told that one of the requirements was a keen attention to detail…something that has never been a problem for me. I’m punctual, I have a pretty good memory (although I’m terrible with names…) and I’m organized…so I thought this would be one area where I wouldn’t have to worry.


For some reason, the sheer amount of details, and different kinds of details, and codes and forms upon forms…not to mention working with a device that requires a fair bit of ‘trial and error’…it’s been a lot for me to deal with, and to be perfectly honest, I’ve been struggling. Not mightily mind you…just leaving a clear trail of mistakes behind me…like a line of oil on the road from a leaky car. And there was another one today. It was my first time doing a certain kind of ‘task’ that requires a different ‘code’ to be entered into the paperwork. Well…I was told to use a particular code, but when I went to enter it, there was no option for that particular code on the form I was using.

Turns out…the code was for another form I was to use at the end of the day. And when I used that form, I put in the wrong code, instead of the one that I had been told to use. Confusing? Yes…which is why my head feels like its constantly spinning when I’m at work. If its not making deadlines and fitting multiple clients in over the course of a day…its confusing paperwork…and lots of it.

Don’t get me wrong…I’m still very grateful for the job, and still feel like I can excel at it…and with the company…but right now, I can't seem to shake that feeling of being overwhelmed. Its as if I’m in one of those funks that professional athletes seem to get into every once in a while. The sure handed Shortstop starts dropping balls hit right at him…or the hockey player who goes on a goal slump. It seems that no matter how hard I try, no matter how good a day I think I've had…something did go wrong…or will go wrong. I guess the only thing you can do is to keep ‘playing’ through it, and hope you find your swing…or you start catching everything that’s thrown your way like you used to.


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