Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I guess I have a loud voice. 90% of the time I’m able to keep it under control and talk like normal people talk…not too quiet…not too loud. 5% of the time, it really comes in handy. Being able to yell across a crowded room, or theatre (I should have been an actor) or across the street can be a useful trait.


But then there's the other 5%. There is nothing worse than one of those guys (or girls) who loves the sound of their voice so much that they just figure everyone else in the room wants to hear what they are saying. Those loud obnoxious gray haired men talking amongst their golfing buddies at the back table at the diner…carrying on like its 1:00 am at a sports bar…or the girl on the bus so deep into conversation on her cell phone she doesn’t realize everyone can hear what she’s talking about. But today I had a moment at the office where I was yapping away about a problem I was having with a client and got a ‘shhhhhhhhhhhhh’ and the old ‘keep it down’ hand gesture from my boss, the one where it looks like the other person is pressing down on an air cushion. No big deal really…but I was pretty embarrassed.

And that got me thinking…

Now I do enunciate my words and try to speak clearly when communicating…but I guess sometimes the volume level doesn’t quite register between the brain and the mouth. I think it might have something to do with my hearing. Both my mother and father can sometimes have trouble hearing…nothing serious, but it is noticeable…I also have a deaf uncle…as well as a Grandmother who is very, very hard of hearing…so its in my genes I guess.

Hopefully it was a one off thing…and its nothing a little Q-tip can’t fix. I mean, I was in a hurry…I had just wrapped up a rough day on the road, and I was using my outside/in the car on the phone voice instead of my inside the office in a giant room full of cubicles voice. I think it also might have something to do with the fact that I still don’t quite feel comfortable at the office yet, because I’m out on the road so much and am very rarely there…so it still feels foreign…like I don’t really work there…which makes me nervous…which causes me to talk loudly.

I guess it could be anything? I just REALLY hope I’m not one of ‘those guys’ and don’t know it?

Maybe I should just shut up now?



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