Monday, August 12, 2013

good not great

It was a good night.  It wasn't a great night.  I didn't make my move, and I probably made a misstep or two...didn't get the answer I wanted for a question I posed...but overall, I had a good time, enjoyed her company, and will hopefully get to do it again soon.

The old me came out near the end of the night on the drive home, bending over backward to show how good a friend I am and can be.  And I didn't take the bull by the horns when our plans were sidetracked.  But Plan B ended up being pretty everything I had expected Plan A was going to be, even if she was the one who came up with the idea.  Dinner wasn't fancy...but it was nice.  We ended up driving quite a bit farther, but it allowed us to talk and bond over some good music.  The movie was funny.  She looked great.  It was a good night.

I'm going to stay positive.  I'm going to keep pushing.  But I do have the sneaking suspicion that we're juts friends, and that's the way it's going to stay.  It hurts, but she's a great friend, and any time spent with her (when she's not talking about other guys of course) is thoroughly enjoyable and something I can and will continue to look forward to.  I'm not going to poison it with negativity and jealousy.

Nice me has offered to drive her to work in the afternoon and drive her home in the evening.  I could have kept my mouth shut and let her take the bus home...but that's not me unfortunately.  I'm still learning.

But it's probably because today was a good day, and she made me feel good.


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