Friday, March 14, 2008

in the pines

In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through

I've had a really rough week at work...capped off by a craptastic 12 hour day today (essentially)…where I didn’t get home until 8:30…and had barely enough time to eat more than a sandwich, half a chocolate bar, a donut, a bottle of water and a juice box all day.

So my day was done, and I was off to the mall to renew my licence using one of those machines. After forking over another $80 I don't have, I decided if I was going to be broke, I might as well treat I picked up the Nirvana Unplugged DVD that came out a couple of months ago. I already have a copy on VHS, taped when it first aired in ’94…but the DVD has a few extra’s, and the enhanced sound and video…so I bought it.

So I’m sitting here, typing away, enjoying the show, and I'm feeling a little better. Seeing the show again after all this time (I still listen to the CD quite a bit...but haven't watched the ''tape'' in a few years) only serves to remind me why it is I'm sucn a huge fan of the band and of Kurt Cobain’s. There's just something about the guy. I’m not going to get into tonight...I'd like to...but...well...I really don't think I have the strength right now. Kurt is, and has been, a pretty big deal in my life...for a number of reasons...and that's about as well as I can put it. So if you were to say seeing this performance tonight has been good for my soul...that would be a bit of an understatement actually.

At this point, I'm just hoping my weekend, as weak as it is (I’m working tomorrow night…), will provide enough of a break so I’m able to face another week of my wonderful new job. Because right now...I feel Monday already...


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