Saturday, May 26, 2012


If I were a Batman villain, I would be Two-Face.  Good old Harvey Dent, only wanted to do help rid Gotham of all the bad stuff, but it wasn't only because Harvey was a good guy...he also had a lot of anger pent up inside.  A lot.  But he was really good at biting his tounge, and not letting it get the better of him. 

Then, the bad guys came calling.  Harvey was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was caught in a chemical blast, burning half his body.  On one side, it was still the old Harvey.  However the other side, was now a monster.  Harvey snapped.  All those years of pressing down the rage finally boiled over.  Two-Face was born.

I don't ever think I could be the bad guy.  I just don't have it in me.  But I am an angry person.  I hide it pretty good, but I've been called on it a couple of times, and can't say they were wrong.  I internalize 95% of it...but between shouting in the car, mumbling to myself in public and under my breath at work...I do vent from time to time.  It can be pretty ugly sometimes.  But that's the price you pay for wearing a mask. 

I'm sure this is all stuff I should talk to someone about.


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